Meeting Minutes
Date: 30th June 2012
Attendees: Qloe, Raisa, Sammy, Vivien
- Phone Call details
- Target audience & Market audience
- Style of kitschen
- Competitors – 2 sets of competitors
Phone call details
1. What is Kitschen about?
Kitschen is a fashion playground where the audience gets to explore and mix and match many different styles together to suit their tastes.
2. Where do they get their designs/trends from?
Usually from their competitors, like Topshop and Forever 21, they see what's the current trend and try to apply to their designs as well.
3. Do you get any design inspirations from the overseas?
Yes, we usually see what the current fashion trends are in Korea, Taiwan or Japan, the most currently 'trendy' countries in Asia.
4. Do you layout your store in any specific manner? By outfit or colours?
Yes we do do our best to lay out the whole store by outfits first, then by colour theme.
Target audience & Market audience
We've decided that the range of target audience that Kitschen is reaching out to is:
- Teens from highschool
- Pre- University & College Students
- Young Adults
- Blue Collar
- First job
- Unemployed
- Single Adults
Overall: Youth
Market Audience
- Young adults
- Teenagers
- Middle Aged Adults
- Stay home Mums
Style & Trends
-Mixture of styles from competitors
- Overseas trends from Korea, Taiwan and Japan
We've come to the conclusion that Kitschen has 2 sets of competitiors, though we'll put them into one for later process. They have their 'price' competitors, where their price range is similar:
- H&M
- Cotton On
And their 'style' competitors:
-Forever 21
Meeting Adjourned